WILLY is a strategic project born within Gravic Group and named after the famous movie called “Free Willy”.
It’s a way of maintaining a healthy community, relying on renewable energy
and living in harmony with nature to build a sustainable future.
Commitment 2030:
Scope 1 & 2: 75% CO2 reduction
Scope 3: 15 % CO2 reduction

5 main objectives:
Greenhouse Gas
Eco Responsibility
Industry 4.0.
Circular economy
Energy efficiency
“Did you know that the amount of CO2 that a whale absorbs during its life equals to over 30 tons, while a single tree can only absorb 21 kg per year ? Among other benefits, whales support the production of phytoplankton, which contributes to at least 50% of all oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere and captures as much CO2 as 1.7 trillion trees, or the equivalent of four Amazon forests.“
Greenhouse gas
- Carbon footprint assessment completed
- Monitoring and analysis of our output to the atmosphere and actions in progress to reduce it

Eco Responsibility
- Encourage and support environmental consciousness and eco-friendly behavior internally and externally: carsharing, saving water, waste recycling, etc.
- Introduce energy saving best practices.
Energy efficiency
- Perform an energy audit in each factory.
- Establish an energy management system thanks to the international ISO50001 standards.
- Continuously invest in the renewable energy sources (solar panels and photovoltaic
shades, electric car charging stations, etc.). - Optimise energy performance on our industrial and production sites by investing in more energy efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment; implementing a new energy management system, managed by artificial intelligence.

Industry 4.0.
- Use more environmentally friendly raw materials and products.
- Recycle waste and bring it back to life.
- Inspire our partners, customers and suppliers to switch to a Circular economy.
Circular economy
- Pursue the transformation towards Smart factory.
- Accelerate the digitalisation of our processes in a self-managed production environment.

Willy project is an exciting challenge and we want
to take you on board with us!

123, Zone Industrielle de l’Argile II, 06370
Mouans Sartoux, FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0)4 93 75 75 34

Shenzhen, CHINA