With over 50 years of experience in the biggest industries and 4 manufacturing locations – in France, Hungary, Tunisia and China, our company strives to deliver the most innovative and reliable solutions.
Home -> Industries
Automotive & Transportation
GRAVIC has three main activities for suppliers in the automotive industry: automotive industrial marking with screen printing, and lamination and cutting of technical parts.
GRAVIC entered this sector in 2000, with products involving automotive manufacturers.
GRAVIC makes backlight filters, parts of counters, foam gaskets, and technical die-cut adhesives.
Our experience has made it possible for us to penetrate the German automotive market, where our Hungarian plant plays a major role.
GRAVIC has built up expertise in the areas of transmission and special die-cut, which now leads us to be contacted early on for these projects.
Information & Technology
Information technologies are the historic market for Gravic: since the 1980s, Gravic has been a preferred provider to IBM France for servers and large systems. Since then, GRAVIC has been able to develop a global partnership with this privileged client to deliver to all of its European and American sites.
In the PC and portable computer industry, HP was the first to place its confidence in GRAVIC. Since then, Gravic has won over other major players, in the fields of storage, servers, PCs and portable computers. Despite global production centres nearly entirely in Asia, Gravic remains a leading provider to the major players in this market.
GRAVIC is one of the “short-list” of providers trusted to print the famous Windows, Intel, and AMD labels.
Our other flagship products in this market are badges, logos, face plates and back plates, cable tags, etc.
In the late 1990s, France was a European leader in the mobile telephony sector. At that time, Gravic created strong ties with the major manufacturers (Sagem, Alcatel and Mitsubishi).
This market made it possible for Gravic to develop its production at large volumes, and to extend its expertise into technical cutting (foam gaskets, insulation, acoustic filters and protective films).
Gravic has also developed expertise in in-moulding technologies, in conjunction with the major plastic manufacturers.
In 2005, Nokia, a leader in the sector, selected Gravic to provide covers, antennas, and foam gaskets. This market is global, and Gravic supplies all sites in Asia, the Americas, and Europe.
Electronics & Household
Thanks to its expertise in the production of technical products at large volumes, Gravic positioned itself early on as a top player in the electronics and home appliance markets.
Throughout the manufacturing chain for devices, Gravic delivers solutions:
- Tracking of semi-complete components and products (kapton, bar code, etc.)
- Functional solutions (temperature- or humidity-sensitive labels, insulation, foams, etc.)
- Decorative solutions (3D logos, embosses face plates, partial or complete removal of resin, etc.)
- Safety solutions (warning, danger, ground labels, etc.)
- Anti-fraud solutions (inviolability, hologram, etc.)
For years, Gravic has been working with work givers, from design through to automation of manufacturing lines for electronic devices and home appliances.
GRAVIC is known as a key provider to the largest television, hifi, and video manufacturers, and manufacturers of home appliances.
These partners allow us to stay constantly informed and involved in technological advancements in the market, and to develop our products and processes with a view to constant improvement and evolution.
Cosmetics & Decoration
The cosmetics, perfume and decoration sectors are promising markets, in which the level of quality required by clients is high.
Located near the perfume makers of Grasse, the world capital of perfume production, Gravic is positioned for applications in these fast-growing fields.
Gravic can boast productions for prestigious clients (Hermès, Baccarat and others.)
Gravic is also present in the domestic markets.
Gravic Group is a major player in the field of electrical and thermal products, thanks to its range of products which are perfectly adapted to the specific needs of this market (small to large volumes, on sheets or rolls, several types of printing, etc.)
The global leader in the electrical industry, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, has made GRAVIC its “preferred supplier” in the field of technical markings and cutting.
Whether for ELECTRICAL (circuit breakers, switches, relays, automation, inverters, etc.), or THERMAL (radiator, boiler, heat pump, VMC, air conditioning, compressor) applications, face plates, logos, resin domes, and information or warning labels, come into direct contact with the end user. These human-machine interfaces represent the brand of the manufacturer.
We develop more functional solutions thanks to our expertise in technical lamination and die-cutting, such as insulation, foam gaskets, and adhesives.
Gravic has been present in the medical sector for over 30 years, and offers products and services adapted to the exacting requirements in this field of activity.
Devices used in medical contexts, in clinics, laboratories and hospitals, have strict specifications to ensure the health of patients and the safety of users of these devices.
The cleanliness and durability of materials and adherence to standards and compliance procedures are essential requirements for which Gravic offers adapted solutions:
- Anti-bacterial products, materials and enamels
- Durable labels
- Face plates with protected markings
- UL/CSA labels
- Labels free of toxic products
In the past few years, Gravic has been delivering serial labels for the pharmaceutical industry.
- Very easy to read
- The best quality and finest printing on the market, with text as small as 0.7 points.
- Precision colours and good repeatability between batches.
Our expertise in durability:
- Resistance: cracking; humidity; abrasion; UV rays; high temperatures; droppage
- Resistance to chemical agents such as perfumes, essences and creams
Perfect adhésion:
- On glass, plastic, cardboard, wood, etc.
- On rigid, semi-rigid and flexible surfaces
The major players in the medical sector rely on us, and we constantly solicit their newest developments to guarantee irreproachable quality and durability.
Industrial & Packaging
Gravic offers special solutions for the industrial sector. Our flexibility has made it possible for us to meet the varied needs of our clients.
Packaging is a fast-expanding market that requires constant changes in materials, cutting and preparation. We have built up real expertise in solutions to meet the needs of the packaging sector.
Plastic & Metal
- Whatever market you are active in, plastics processing companies are facing increasingly exacting client requirements, in terms of quality, time frames, and cost. Gravic Group has been working closely for many years with plastic makers, and ensures clients optimal product quality. Gravic Group has developed mold insertion (IML), surface protection and decoration solutions. Gravic Group offers a global solution, ranging from provision of finished products to assistance with placement and assembly of labels and components.

123, Zone Industrielle de l’Argile II, 06370
Mouans Sartoux, FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0)4 93 75 75 34

Shenzhen, CHINA